A beautiful 4-year-old girl named Mieko died this morning. She was the child of one of my former colleagues who defied many odds. Born with Trisomy 18, her parents were told there it was unlikely she would live. Trisomy 18 is considered "incompatible with life." Obviously the doctors were wrong. She had many medical challenges, but lived a very full and beautiful life. You can read more of her story at her Caring Bridge web site.
I was so touched by how devoted her parents were to her and how they never complained about the recurring hospitalizations, working odd hours so one of them could always be with her and the countless other things they did so selflessly. I remember watching them before my first son was born praying I could be as good of parents as they were.
Mieko was such a blessing and a joy not only to their lives, but to everyone she met. She had a smile that lit up a room and always seemed so happy, even when she was very sick. She will be deeply missed.
Please pray for her and her family during this difficult time as they celebrate her life and mourn her death.
I just somehow saw your post. I have never met Mieko, Maya or Shawn but have emailed them back and forth for almost 3 years. My little girl is Trisomy 18 and just turned three. You said it so beautiuflly about their dedication and parenting. They are a beautiful family. I had jsut sat at my computer hoping for an update and was shocked at the news. I am crushed beyond belief and will be praying for this family. Cathy & Annabel
What a beautiful little girl and how very blessed her parents were to be able to be with her for 4 years.
Mieko was such a beautiful little girl....how fortunate her parents were to have her!
Thank you for telling us about this beautiful little one and her family ... we'll definitely keep them in prayer.
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