I don't know about you, but we go through a ridiculous number of printer cartridges. A great way to not only recycle them, but get instant savings is to save them and bring them into an office supply store the next time you need to buy some.
Most stores like Office Depot and Office Max can refill them or give you a store credit toward additional ones. I have five on my desk.
At OfficeMax you can get $3 off your purchase for each one you bring in (up to five per day). At Office Depot, you receive a $3 coupon for a future purchase.
For me, that is a free cartridge usually every few months. That means I can use the $15 for something fun, like going out to lunch, or something we need, like paying more toward our debt.
The little things add up. Take a look at this story my dad sent me this week. This guy bought a truck in cash with money he had saved up since he last bought a car 13 years ago... how awesome is that!
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